The article is concerned with substitution of synthesis with pronominal correlation (Ja skazal to chto on prid’ot instead Ja skazal chto on prid’ot). The article is a bid for discussion evoked by our coming across a statement that this construction demonstrates “emerging” of a new subordinate conjunction to chto. The arguments supporting that, such as abundance and phonetic fusion of the word pair and the intonation contour of containing phrases are looked upon with a critical eye. In contrast to this “new conjunction” theory the author advocates that it’s nothing but erratic syntax caused by speaker’s hyper-correction. In conclusion a whole range of examples of new conjunctions that truly emerged in colloquial speech, such as ne govor’a o tom chto/chtoby, uchitavaja chto, v tom plane chto, jedinstvenno chto, tipa togo chto, vrode togo chto, etc. is given. The propositions are supported by data from two corpora: The National Corpus of Russian Language (NCRL) and The Sound Corpus (SCRL), which contains two modules — everyday spontaneous speech corpus “One Speaker’s Day” (primarily dialogues and polylogues) and the Balanced Annotated Text Collection (an archive of various monologues). Conjunctiolization in everyday speech appears to be a dynamic enough process to include to chto, but now it seems too early to speak about it.