The article is devoted to paronymic lexico-semantic paradigms and stable combinations of paronyms-attractants, which can be called paronymic “formulas”. The author defines paronymy as a systemic linguistic phenomenon of convergence of words that sound similar, but diff er in morphemic composition and semantics, which becomes possible due to the allocation of quasimorphs in them, a kind of euphonic etymons. Proceeding from the fact that stable paronymic connections in the language system are usually motivated by reality, the author suggests that the individual poetic paronymic attraction is oriented towards the language model and is perceived as a semantic relation precisely against its background.
Considering the “formula” correlations of dom ‘house’, dym ‘smoke’ and duma ‘thought’, the author shows the possibility of the occurrence of combinations that form parasyntactic predicative unities, in which attractants form sound metonymies and metaphors and expand their original meanings due to additional semes transmitted during attraction. Special analysis of the material allows us to defi ne the dom as a ‘burning hearth’, ‘dream’, ‘thought’, ‘cranial box’, and dym and duma as ‘something vital’, ‘unmanifested’, ‘ephemeral’; at the same time, attractant words turn into components of a complex nomination of a certain object or situation. In addition, paronymic “formula” correlations connect individual or archetypal mythologemes. The data of the poetic subcorpus of the Russian National Corpus allow us to conclude that paronymic connections that are relevant for a certain idiolect, at fi rst single, can become “formular” for many poetics, i.e., develop from the individual to the universal.