2022. № 4 (34), 105-119

Russian State University for the Humanities


The prose by Boris Pasternak was par excellence «the prose of poet». It means that we can easily find the features of verse in its structure. First of all it is a syllabotonic met- rics: the chains of alternative stressed and unstressed syllables covering over 40 percents of the text. In the early period it was explained with the powerful influence by Andrey Bely s experimental prose, but then Pasternak was taking his own manner of prose syl- labotonization. The prose syllabometric metrics by Boris Pasternak seems to be the same with his po- etry one: it is characterized by a wide variety of meters, the quest for the exotic meters and rhythmic variations, pushing off jambic in the initial period of creativity and, consequently, the abundance of ternary meters (especially in the early poems). In the field of rhythm — modernistic picture but even more forced (in iambic tetrameter — the predominance of real stress on the first and fourth syllables). Respectively — an abundance of long words and pyrrhic and tribrachic foots (Gasparov). A special predilection for dactylic and giperdactylic clauses, the abundance of enjambements. Active sound organization, massive use of alliteration and assonance. At last, it`s possible to say about the unmotivated abundance of repeats (including metrical). Verselikeness can be noted also at the semantic level of the text organization, above all, full of metaphors, as well as unusual shaped structure.