2019. № 2 (20), 218-227

National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod 


This paper presents the ideas of linguo-cultorological interpretation of active processes in modern Russian language through the prism of their consistency or inconsistency with primordially Russian models of language conceptualization of the world. The research materials are new phenomena in Russian in the Internet. The author develops statement set out earlier that innovational phenomena in current Russian, in the aspect namely of modes of language conceptualization of the world, reflect domination of typically Russian ways to look at things, although in some cases we can speak of the influence of alien to «the Russian world» mental, socio-cultural and behavioral models as well. There is cultural opposition «mine» — «other peoples’» in front of us which is reflected including in the processes of so-called «cultural appropriation of loanwords» refracted peculiarly in dialectic opposition of two antinomies: at the interpretational (formal-structural) level that is the antinomy synthetism / analytism, and at the substantial level that is the antinomy idiomaticity / non-idiomaticity. In our view, all the loanwords are subject in one way or another to inclusion in the national cultural fund, nevertheless there are two stages of the cultural appropriation at least. At the initial stage of conceptual adoption foreign language phenomena are not «digested» by «the Russian world» yet. It is such active processes which reflect Russian lexis and grammar «drift» forward analytism. It is revealed in indeclinability of «new» substantives and adjectives, in inalterability of collocations’ elements, in tendency to fixed component order. At the substantial level the tendency to sense «transparency», «unidimensionality» of innovative models, and their non-idiomatic reception in usus corresponds to aforesaid «drift». At the following stage of conceptual adoption foreign language phenomenan at the formal-structural level, demonstrate «drift», on the other hand, toward increased synthetism. Inalterable elements trend to decline and join in Russian word-formative models. At the substantial level it is revealed in the situation that words and expressions with foreign components get idiomaticity the sign of which is semantic compression, sense capacity of such new formations. As a final result, the author postulates the multi-level parameters (at the communicative-discursive, lexical-semantic, word-formative and grammatical levels) which allow diagnosing a degree of the cultural appropriation of one or another innovative with foreign structural elements.