2017. № 3 (13), 136-144

V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


At present, there is a significant expansion in the scope of the functioning of oral scientific speech. The scientific topics are presented not only in academic speeches and in the classroom, but also in radio and television programs, in Internet projects, discussion clubs, and even in advertising.

Researches of oral scientific speech of the end of the last century were mainly based on the analyses of the recordings of lectures and seminars, reports and discussion speeches at conferences and other scientific events. Currently, we have at our disposal three corpora of oral texts within the Russian National Corpus: Speech Corpus, Accentological Corpus and Multimedia Corpus. In Multimedia Corpus, text transcript of a sounding fragment is accompanied by an audio or video recording that allows studying both verbal and non-verbal components of the sentence.

Nowadays, we are actively forming a subcorpus of texts representing the oral scientific speech within the RNC. The collection includes texts of more than 100 authors, different sciences (natural, humanitarian, applied), and variety of text types. Corpus based studies will reveal the changes that have occurred in oral scientific speech in comparison with the descriptions of the last century.