2016. № 1 (7), 497-507

Moscow Pedagogical State University

Balashov Institute of Saratov State University of N. G. Chernyshevsky


The article puts a problem of creation of the dictionary of special type. This dictionary will include metalanguage comments on esthetic properties of words and expressions.

Authors of article study comments to sounds and letters of Russian and draw a conclusion about conditions which can influence esthetic use of phonetics and graphics. Sounds and letters fraquency, properties of the words including these sounds and letters, semantic links between the name of a letter and value of the text and some other belong to these conditions.

Writers comment on structure and an origin of words. Esthetic value can have the fact that the word doesn’t break laws of word formation which exist in Russian. If words don’t submit to laws of word formation and look illogical from the point of view of derivational rules, this fact leads to that their esthetic use is possible, too.

Writers often use a way of an etimologization. In such cases the comment of the author or character shows not only structural and semantic links between words, but also adds esthetic cost to these links.

Words can be marked by connotations which weren’t described by traditional linguistics yet. These connotations arise because the word has associations with some situations of use. Words in texts of fiction can be considered as connected with different types of a discourse, with some types of people, with famous persons or famous texts.

The edition of the dictionary of metalanguage comments can be an important contribution to creative linguistics.