THE ARTICLE «О нравех, и взрастех и образех человческых» (“ON THE MORALS…”) IN THE SYNODAL COLLECTION NUMBER 951, XVTH CENTURY

2015. № 2 (5), 44-68

Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The paper is devoted to textological and lexical study of the text, which deals with the relationship between appearance of the man and his character. This article «О нравех, и взрастех и образех человческых» (“On the morals…”) is in the Synodal collection number 951, XVth century. This text consists of two parts: made by the Old Russian author, and fragment adopted from Hexaemeron of John exarch Bulgarian. Description is given on two basic signs: to the height and hair colour. Lexico- logical study confirmed the ancient Russian origin of this compilation article. The article in question is an important source for the Russian historical lexicology and lexicography, because of it contains a regional, colloquial and Church vocabulary. A number of words is absent in a historical dictionaries (взбродливъ, дворливыи, дрочливыи, дружебливъ, единословъ, звегливыи, лежнивъ, лицемерливыи, машка (машки?), метливъ, надътьмьнъ, насиливъ, оплошливъ, отходчивъ, прекладивъ, пресмешливъ, скимлятися, цепнии, чебутныи, шавливъ). The same root words (насилити – насиливъ, оплошити – оплошливъ) help to have in the definition of their semantics.Text of the article “On the morals…” published by the rules of language editions.