2014. № 2 (2), 431-444

Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The article addresses the problem of lexicographic presentation of philosophical terms that constitute the core of the lexical structure of Russian religious and philosophical text. This terminology has not been described in modern linguistic literature, which results in the interest in compiling a composite differential diachronic dictionary. The textual basis of the dictionary includes works of thinkers closely linked to the religious world: N. Fedorov, K. Leontiev, Vl. Soloviev, S. Bulgakov, P. Florensky, L. Shestov, N. Berdyaev, S. Frank. Complexity of the description of philosophical terms is largely due to the uncertainty of their meaning; a philosophical term often correlates not only with a certain idea, but the idea in general. Semantic volume (extensional) of philosophical term is much higher than a semantic scope of terms which belong to other specialized areas of knowledge. The article analyzes the philosophical terms «vsemstvo» (L. Shestov) and “vizantizm” (K. Leont’ev). The dictionary of Russian philosophers should include commentaries, which explain the relation of terms to ancient and western philosophy, the Bible, theological texts, Russian and foreign literature. Besides, lexicographic representation of individual philosophical terms must take into account ssemantic relation of the particular word in the whole philosophical term system.