2014. № 2 (2), 344-351

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod


In modern Russian speech the adjectives “zdorovy” and “nezdorovy” are used in new and unexpected combinations (e. g. zdorovy cynizm, nezdorovy cynizm). When combined with the words denoting negative characteristics (e. g. agressiya, snobizm, tshjeslavie, egoizm etc.) “zdorovy” acquires a new meaning not reflected in modern dictionaries: ‘not allowing danger or harm; both secure and edifying’. “Nezdorovy” can be used in combinations with words denoting negative as well as positive traits (e. g. nezdorovaya dobrota). In this paper it is argued that the new  combinability of adjectives zdorovy/nezdorovy might indicate some sort of shift in ethical values of basic moral categories. The author suggests to introduce the term and the concept of actual combinability into scientific use. This particular concept as well as related terms “key-words of the epoch”, “fashionable words”, “actual neologisms” could be made use of in the description of semantic changes within the framework of axiology. Actual word combinability could be looked upon as a specific marker of extra-linguistic changes, which ultimately affect and change the semantic content of a word.