The following essay discusses the ongoing transformation of paper dictionaries into digital format. This process has become inevitable (due to the development of modern technologies) and has an undoubtedly beneficial effect on the quality of lexicographic descriptions, the convenience of compiling dictionaries, and the efficiency of their use. Notably, the digital format allows for a much more convenient environment for managing lexicographic tags, which organically develop into a tool for the systematic description of lexis, as well as a tool for retrieving various information about words and classes of words with similar properties. Also, the digital format is much more convenient for considering the broad compatibility of dictionary units and integrating lexicogrphy with Construction Grammar. Finally, digital technologies enable the federated use of dictionary and corpus data, which is a long-overdue need in modern lexicography. Both lexicographers and dictionary users gain many new opportunities in the realm of digital format, so the future entirely belongs to digital lexicography.