2025. № 1 (43), 81-97

St. Petersburg State University


The article is devoted to the analysis of pragmatic markers-approximators with the function of xenoindicator (tipa/tipa togo/tipa togo chto; tipa tam; kak by etc.) and their gestural accompaniment in Russian everyday discourse. Markers of this type introduce someone else’s speech into the narrative (in the broad sense of this term) and at the same time show the speaker’s uncertainty in the accuracy of its transmission. The source of material for the analysis was the Multimedia corpora of the Russian National Corpus, containing sound fragments, their text transcripts and video sequences for each fragment. The analysis showed that there is a close connection between gestures and speech production, which is reflected in semantic and pragmatic coordination, as well as time synchronization of verbal and nonverbal (gestural) components of oral communication. A significant portion (66.7 %) of the uses of markers of this type in the material under study are accompanied by involuntary gestures, which, as one might assume, enhance the speaker’s intention and attract the listener’s attention. Such observations point to the possibility of considering gestures as an important nonverbal indicator in discourse. It seems that the results of the study can be useful for a comprehensive analysis of oral discourse within the framework of colloquialism (analysis of oral speech) and cognitive linguistics. The results obtained can also be useful for clarifying the connection between gestures and speech from the point of view of multimodal (gesture and speech) research, including in the interests of creating artificial intelligence.