2023. № 2 (36), 299-306

Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The article considers the non-usual functioning of modal indicators in contemporary Russian poetry. Bringing the channel of communication into focus in contemporary poetry as the main parameter of the communicative model (according to Roman Jakobson) led to an increase in the role of pragmatics as a semiotic and linguistic area, which expresses itself through the emphasis on the role of the communicative situation, the position of the addressee and the sender himself. The subject of poetry in the era of new media manifests itself due to the deictic and pragmatic markers in a situation of transcoding, shifting diff erent media and modes. The study dwells on the functioning of indicators characterizing “obligation” and “necessity”, which belong to the deontic modality. The frequency of their use in contemporary poetry relates to an internal confl ict between deontic modality and the very nature of poetic discourse characterized by the orientation towards overcoming linguistic, communicative and social restrictions, the explicit form of expression of which are markers of necessity and obligation.