2019. № 2 (20), 36-48

 Saratov State University


 The research is carried out within the framework of lexical genre studies, in which the names of speech genres and their components are studied. Genres of speech, With respect to their structure, are considered in the context of other speech models, also having a structure and relating to the speech genres as phenomena of a smaller or greater abstraction. From the theory and methodology of cognitive semantics, the idea is borrowed that (1) higher-order structures arranging speech genres along with other communicative units are communicative concepts: these structures and ordering exist in the minds of native speakers; while (2), for communicative concepts, as well as for all concepts, lexemes. Which are names for them and for their components, are very important. We proceed from the fact that a communicative concept is constituted by the chain of speech genre systematization "action / act ~ process / manner ~ role / type ~ tonality ~ genre". A special place in this system is occupied by evaluative lexemes, primarily those that have non-evaluative synonyms. It is shown that lexicalization and — in part — grammaticalization of these phenomena, know their patterns, the identification of which can enrich both the speech genre theory and the lexical semantics. Genre (genre-relevant) evaluation is fixed in the language on the lexical level with the following evaluative lexemes: 1) genre names (nouns) = evaluation of the genre itself (denunciation, flattery, boasting); 2) verbs — names of actions / speech acts (the same, but the evaluation is somewhat less accented (boast, slander, incite)); 3) evaluative characteristics of the genre (or action / act in the genre — intra-genre strategy, etc.) — adjectives, adverbs.