2025. № 1 (43), 52-63

Independent scholar


The paper focuses on the phonemic composition and orthography of the denominative adjectives suffi xes with fi nal -н(н)-. The main orthographic norms and exclusions were defined in the 19th century. Exclusions were: вѣтреный, that lost its verbal motivation, and деревянный, оловянный, стеклянный, «according to their pronunciation» (Ya. K. Grot). However, the instability of the consonantal length makes the latter argument unreliable. The best indicator of the presence of two 〈н〉 phonemes in the adjectives suffi xes is the insertion of a mobile vowel in the short forms masc., both in codified forms and in those registered in the usus. And short forms are not only inherent in qualitative adjectives. 

1. -(...)онн-/-(...)енн-/-ен-. The forms традициóнен, таинствен(ен) etc. indicate the phonemic composition 〈(...)онн〉. The forms of the last type variants in -енен, including ветренен, become more widespread. This and other innovative forms often replace forms without -ен in texts. A lot of non-normative spellings of the full form ветренный are observed in the usus. 

2. -ан-/-(...)ян(н)-. Along with forms деревянен, стеклянен, оловянен, non-nor mative forms песчáнен, серебрянен, кожанен, маслянен, багрянен are observed. 29 adjectives demonstrate non-normative spellings like песчанный. Conclusion: the unified suffi x 〈анн〉 has been formed. 

3. -ин-. Forms змеинен, зверинен, орлинен, тигринен are observed. In total 34 adjectives demonstrate non-normative spellings like змеинный. Conclusion: suffix 〈инн〉

4. (ир)ованн . Forms рискóванен, обетовáнен, квалифицированен are observed. Conclusion: suffix 〈(ир)ованн〉

5. -(...)енн-. Forms свящéнен, единствен(ен) etc. indicate the suffi x 〈(...)энн〉. Thus, for all denominative suffixes final 〈нн〉 becomes common. In two cases ortho graphic norms do not correspond to the phonemic composition. 

The variants of the short forms with indivisible stem: единен, поганен, прянен, румянен, рьянен, юнен etc. as well as non-normative spellings like единный indicate that adjectival stems are trans formed according to the “root + stem-forming suffi x” model.