2021. № 2 (28), 142-151

Lomonosov Moscow State University


The article presents an analysis of the semantics of verbs denoting the intention to perform an action. Two ways of expressing intent characteristic of the dialects of the Arkhangelsk region are described: lexical and word-forming. The predicates that form the semantics of intention — ‘thought’, ‘desire’, ‘will’ — are determined, their place in the lexical meaning of verbs is revealed. The conditions for realization of the meaning of the intention in compatibility with the verb in the form of an infinitive or with the prepositional case form of the name, specifying the nature, place or conditions of the intended action, are described. Verbs with the meaning of intention expressed lexically form several word-forming nests in dialects, containing units of imperfect and prefect form. A number of verbs that do not form nests have a pronounced metaphorical semantics of intention. In the case of intention verbs formed in a lexical way, the connection with the generating meaning, its semantics in the structure of a polysemous word determines the differences concerning the nature of the vertex meaning in the meaning of the intention itself. The morphemic method of forming the semantics of intention is presented in the article by verbs with the prefix po-, formed from verbs that in their primary meanings denote a non-directional movement. These are the verbs to walk, to go, to run, to carry, the connection with the prefix po-in one of its meanings translates them into the category of verbs of unidirectional movement. The meaning of intention is derived in the structure of the corresponding polysemous po-verbs and acts in them as a common vertex meaning in sub-meanings, the content of which is determined by contextual conditions.