2016. № 3 (9), 516-524

(Moscow, Russia)


This article examines the grammatical structure of the poem by Alexander Block “The Twelve” and emphasizes that the ambivalence of it structure is the result of conscious authorial choice. It is shown that the identification of speech masks is one of the difficult problems of perception of the text, but those masks give a clue to identify anonymous characters. The analysis leads to conclusion that Block outlined their role functions, but made them interchangeable. On a grammatical level this is emphasized by the frequency of use of indefinite pronouns. All the actions of the characters are described by elliptical constructions with subjects expressed by indefinite pronouns. This creates the effect of uncertain threats, suspici on and irresponsibility.

Analysis of verb structure reveals the frequency of use of the imperative and the infinitive in different functions. The major milestones in the development of the plot are marked by the combination of these verb forms. It is shown that the parts of speech semantics of nouns is aimed at describing the group consciousness of the revolutionary team. Grammatically it is characterized by the hypostatization, the lack of distinction between the casual relations, direct and figurative values, “realization” of metaphor and metonymy.

Special emphasis is made on the analysis of the final chapter of the poem. A. Block uses here impersonal sentences; missing verbs, i.e. missing time and modality. The analysis reveals presence of a hidden Ich-Erzählung in the poem. In the final it is manifested in the description of the vision of icon of the resurrection of Christ, invisible to the characters but visible to the “all knowing” author.