Vocabulary Characteristic of the Ukrainian Language in The Slavic Linguistic Atlas

2016. № 2 (8), 65-80

The Slavic Institute of PAS

The University of Warsaw


Voca bulary Charact eristic of th e Ukrai nia n Language in The Slavic Linguistic Atlas The Slavic Linguistic Atlas provides the rich dialectal material from the entire Slavia. Due to the fact that it transcribes the condition of Slavic dialects in 1950s’ and 1960s’, it is perceived historical today. A perusal of the 486 hitherto published SLA lexical maps shows that there are relatively not many words and their forms characteristic solely of the Ukrainian language. The Ukrainian dialects vary significantly inside and frequently certain words unite with the remaining the East Slavic area, and other with the West Slavic area, mainly with the Polish and the Slovak areas, whereas those dialects not frequently constitute consistent acreage confined to Ukraine.

On the SLA maps there are only circa 40 words characteristic of the Ukrainian language, with a limited local ranges, grouping mainly in the South-Western Ukraine, especially in the Transcarpathia. In the south there are often Romanian and Hungarian loanwords.