2024. № 3 (41), 389-399

Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


This article deals with the colloquial affirmative Russian particles ok and aga. It is based on the data of the Main Corpus and the subcorpus “Social Networks” of the National Russian Corpus and on the author’s correspondence with friends and colleagues in instant messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, Viber, etc.) and work chats from 2022 to 2024. The article discusses the history of the words ok and aga in Russian, the meaning and stylistic coloring of these words in modern Russian as well as the most common constructions with ok and aga. It identifies the reasons for the appearance of each of these words in speech and in written communication imitating oral speech. For this purpose, the author interviewed several “experts,” that is, professional philologists who respect the norms of standard Russian and do not use colloquialisms and jargon words either in speech or in correspondence. One can conclude that ok and aga are much more frequent in instant messengers than in oral conversation.