2024. № 3 (41), 349-364

National Research University Higher School of Economics


The article discusses the problems associated with the lexicographic description of colloquial units included in the new dictionary of gender-specifi c job titles. The dictio nary includes gender-specifi c job titles that are formed in a non-standard way. In the process of selecting gender-specifi c job titles, their frequency is taken into account. The problem of gender-specifi c job titles used in feminist discourse (for example, avtorka, redaktorka) and their competition with long-existing gender-specifi c job titles (avtorsha, redaktorsha), is refl ected. The problem of gender-specifi c job titles, which fi rst appeared in the XVIII–XIX centuries, was described, then they were forgotten or received negative connotations (advokatka, poetka, partnerka, etc.), and in modern feminist discourse they were re-constructed as politically correct words. The problem of stylistic and evaluative labeling of gender-specifi c job titles is considered. The problem arises due to the vagueness of stylistic marks and their discrepancy in diff erent dictionaries, as well as due to the lack of pragmatic marks in the sources of some gender-specifi c job titles. The article also provides ways to solve these problems when describing words included in the dictionary of gender-specifi c job titles.