2024. № 1 (39), 227-243

Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The article describes the appendices to the “Concordance of the poems of Mikhail Kuzmin” in 4 volumes (2005–2015). A detailed analysis of the principles and methods of preparing the frequency dictionary, metrical reference book, rhyming dictionary and other applications is given. 
Frequency dictionaries of poems are needed to analyze the frequency of usage. They help researchers understand the main themes, motifs and images used by the poet, as well as evaluate the structure and style of his work. For Kuzmin, the most frequent words are lexemes traditional for romantic love lyrics: l’ubov’ ‘love’, veter ‘wind’, zvezda ‘star’, ruka ‘hand’, serdtse ‘heart’, dom ‘house’, son ‘dream’, tsvetok ‘fl ower’. The features of the poet’s style are manifested in low-frequency vocabulary, where you can find words of different stylistic registers and various thematic formations: premudryi ‘wise’, Pyatidesyatnitsa (religious) ‘Pentecost’, reclama ‘advertising’, pridurkovato (vernacular) ‘foolishly’, spozaranku (colloquial) ‘early in the morning’, etc. This makes the poet’s language easily recognizable and shows its richness. 
The metrical reference book allows you to highlight the most popular poetic forms: both traditional (iamb, trochee, etc.) and pioneer ones (free verse in the “Alexandrian Songs”). Kuzmin has many transitional forms (from taktovik to accentual verse). There are cases when diff erent meters are used in one poem. 
The rhyming dictionary shows the richness of the sound organization of the text, which uses both traditional rhyme pairs and new ones. 
The appendices are considered as a source of additional information for a comprehensive description of the individual style of the author, and as material for comparing the work of one author with the language of the poetic school, immediate environment and the controversial era of the early twentieth century.