The novel “Candle” by Valery Zalotukha is characterized by an extremely sophisti-cated and diverse narrative structure. The article considers the most rarely encountered and therefore least studied kind of narrative — second-person narrative — the so-called “you- narration”. “You-narration” refers to text segments of various length (excluding direct speech), in which the protagonist or another main character is referred to by employment of second-person personal pronouns (for example the Russian second-person pronouns ty/vy or the English second-person pronoun you). The presence of “you”, i. e. the addressee, always implies the presence of “I”, the addressant. The “I”-addressant is either the narrator and participant of events (fi rst-person narrative), or the author-narrator, as in the third- person narrative. The role of the addressee can also be played by diff erent subjects — the narrator himself, the characters of the literary work or the reader. Various combinations of the addressant and the addressee made it possible to distinguish the following varieties of “you-narration” in the novel “Candle”: 1 addressant-narrator, he is the main character of the novel “Candle”, Evgeny Zolotorotov. All the forms of “you-narration” discussed below are contained in the fi rst part of the novel, in which the main character describes the events that happened to him during the last three days and three nights, as well as recalls almost his entire life. Multiple recipients of this monologue interact and alternate, some- times replacing each other within small text fragments. 1.1. The addressee is the narrator himself. This case is characterized by the use of generalized-personal 2nd person forms. 1.2. The addressee is the reader, the narrator addresses his listeners-readers. 1.3. The ad- dressee is one of the characters in the novel. There are the narrator’s mother, wife, his best friend. 2 The addressant — the author-narrator. The following types of “you-narration” form the narrative structure of the fourth part of the novel “Candle”. 2.1. The addressee is the author-narrator himself. 2.2. The addressee — the reader. 2.3. The addressee is the main character of the novel Evgeny Zolotorotov, the author tells him about himself.