2021. № 2 (28), 77-95

Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The article is devoted to the consideration of the concepts of “norm”, “usus” and “system” in the Russian dialect language. The article shows that in dialects, the usage, which is a set of real uses of the language, is essentially equal to the norm. The dialect norm represents the unity of the realized capabilities of the system and is an important factor determining the integrity of the territorial dialect and its consistency: a particular language element can be defined as part of the system only in the context of its usual application, taking into account the statistics of its specific uses in the speech of dialect speakers. Thus, when describing dialect systems, it is not the ratio “norm — usus” (as in a literary language) that comes to the fore, but the ratio “usus (=norm) — system”. Determining the parameters of a particular particular dialect system necessarily implies an adequate structural interpretation of specific speech facts, determining the internal conditionality and interconnectedness of all language elements.