2024. № 3 (41), 213-220

Chernyshevsky Saratov State University


The dialect speech reveals a peculiar set of uncodifi ed lexical elements in comparison with literary and colloquial speech. The following types of non-codifi ed lexical units are analyzed in the article on the basis of speech records of speakers of the Middle Russian dialect: strictly dialectal lexicon; general Russian colloquial lexicon and its phonetic andword-formation modifi cations (dialectal variants); dialect and substandard formations created according to regular word-formation models, which are not permanently spread in the dialect and are rather individual occasional units than stable elements of the lexicalsystem; phonetic dialect variants of literary lexicon; functional-semantic dialect variants of literary lexicon.
All varieties of non-codifi ed lexicon are in close interaction in the speech of dialect speakers; they enter into relations of free variation both within this group and with thelexicon of general literature, which constitutes the specifi city of oral and spoken communication in the dialect. More rarely, one can assume some functional distribution of non-codifi ed and codifi ed lexical units in the speech of dialect speakers.
The study of the composition and peculiarities of the functioning of uncodifi ed vocabulary in dialect speech is one of the most important aspects of the study of the dialect systems lexicon characterized by a specifi c relationship with other forms of the national language.