2024. № 2 (40), 199-211

Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of the grammatical system of the Russian language in the construction of active constructions. The author postulates the action in the syntax of the operator “the power of the subject”, which has the rank of a concept, which, like other operators of thought processes, determines the semantics of the sentence.
The research material is models of verbal sentences that show asymmetric relations of the components of their structure in the aspect of form — meaning — function and are located on the periphery of the functional-semantic fi eld “active construction”. The analysis is carried out from the point of view of modern functional linguistics, the main principle of which is modeling the activities of native speakers. The methodological basis for explaining the action of the pragmatic mechanisms of the language system is the syntactic person category — a modus category that shows the communicative preferences of speakers, plays an important role in the construction of a sentence. A tool for the study of the semantic organization of a sentence is the concept of the syntactic position of the case form of a word. It reveals the same functional properties of macro-semantic vocabulary classes that represent concepts.
The change in the power of the subject in derived models is indicated by the categorical semantics and the case form of the name in the position of the topic, the word order, the coordination of the semantic categories of the subject sentence and predicate, the interaction of the system categories of the name and verb. The analysis shows that the operator “power of the subject” acts together with evaluative elements and with other mental categories; for example, optativity category, category of highlighting, dynamics / statics, certainty / uncertainty, assertion / negation.