2022. № 1 (31), 314-321

DFG-Kollegforschungsgruppe FOR 2603


This paper proposes an approach to the study of ‘idiostil’ based on the synthesis of the hermeneutic-structuralist method developed by Henrieke Stahl, the morphological scientifi c methodology of Goethe and the parameters of the research of ‘idiostil’ deve- loped in Russian literary studies. Some results of such an approach are demonstrated on the work of Olga Sedakova. The constants of her poetry are examined on the level of lexis, plot, subject, grammar and style, as well as by analysis of the leitmotif structure. The evolution of her poetics is likewise considered. The dominant aspect of Sedakova’s poetry reveals the understanding and modeling of the creative act as a transitive and liminal process. In the context of the leitmotif structure, transitivity and liminality are associated with the images of doors and windows, attributes of home and garden, which are important markers of the dichotomy of earthly and otherworldly realms. Doors and windows represent the boundary between the worlds, as well as the possibility of transition from one space to another or the inaccessibility of the other space, which remains closed. In Sedakova’s liminal poetics the creative process is understood as a possibility to touch a reality hidden for ordinary experience.