2022. № 1 (31), 275-290

V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The article analyzes the way of presenting material in an autocommunicative text. The features of the organization of a “closed” diary text intended for public reading are analyzed. Kuzmin is under double supervision: internal (himself) and external (listeners). With the practice of reading text, according to the law of the genre, not intended for immediate publication, Kuzmin handshakes with modern bloggers who do not hesitate to expose the most intimate aspects of their personality. The work traces the evolution of diary entries from 1905 to 1934, which is associated with a change in the structure of daily entries (the earlier ones do not have a paragraph system). The features of frequency dictionaries of Kuzmin’s Diaries from diff erent periods are analyzed. The style of presenting the facts of life in Kuzmin’s diary entries equalizes the facts of intimate life, culturally signifi cant and political events of the early twentieth century. An analysis of the author’s metadiary statements is given. The metadiary notes in the 1934 entries differ markedly from the functionally similar entries in the early diaries. The diary is transformed from a household into a memoir. Cases of lexical and syntactic minimalism are analyzed. The comparison of the features of the lexicons of the poetic and diary text is carried out.