KHLEBNIKOV IS OUR BASIS (Projective precepts of V. P. Grigoriev)

2022. № 1 (31), 13-19


The article considers various aspects of the main business of Viktor Petrovich Grigoriev’s life — Velimir studies. In particular, such a topical issue as the canonization of the poet, the consolidation of his place in Russian (and world) literature is discussed. It is noted that Khlebnikov played the same role for the 20th century that Pushkin played for the 19th century. and Lomonosov for the 18th century. The publication provides an overview of what has been written about Khlebnikov: from the statements of poets — Khlebnikov’s contemporaries (Burliuk, Mayakovsky, Mandelštam, etc.), early references and studies (Glinin, Urban) to the works of Grigoriev (“The grammar of idiostyle. V. Khlebnikov”, “Budetlyanin”, “Velimir Khlebnikov in the four-dimensional space of language”, etc.) and works of modern scientists. In general, the article is aimed at identifying Grigoriev’s projective ideas in the fi eld of Velimir studies and the development of these ideas at the present stage. Possible ways for the development of the science of Khlebnikov are proposed: the publication of anthologies (including, among other things, opinions and studies about the Poet), the preservation and consolidation of the works of the Velimir experts of the past, as well as the expansion of the presence on the Internet, the popularization of the works of foreign Velimir experts (including their translation into Russian).