2019. № 4 (22), 201-216

 Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The author describes the syntagmatic properties of verbs and reveals paradigmatic relationships in vocabulary and grammar. In the article, the syntagmatic class of verbs is defined as a functional-semantic category and as a basic concept. To identify the derivational connections of verb phrases, a model of the significative core of sentences is used. The article shows the methodological value of the concept of the “syntactic position of word forms”.

The article contains a description of two syntagmatic classes of verbs: the syntagmatic class of event verbs of locally directed action and the class of existential action verbs.

The following feature of the grammatical semantics of the Russian language is expounded: singular forms of material or abstract nouns in the nominative case or in the instrumental case in a syntactic position with an abstract meaning are functionally identical to the plural forms of certain nouns. They denote an uncountable set, a single whole, an array — that is, they represent the concept of «set» as a «non-discrete set (continuum).» The structure of the syntagmatic class of locally directed verbs can be characterized as a fuzzy set.

The syntagmatic class of existential action verbs represents the periphery of the field of existential predicates. Sentence patterns can be discovered using a constant set of se- mantic components. The structure of the models is due to the presence of the modus plan of the subject of speech: information about the action is interpreted as a state of affairs, a fact. The denotative plan, called a specific verbal lexeme, is included in the existential meaning of the proposition; in models, the reverse word order is.