2019. № 4 (22), 186-201

 Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


An agentive situation P can be associated with a non-agentive situation (cf. the ac- tion P → the result R) or can have a non-agentive conceptualization Q (P’) if unfavorable (less often — favorable) factors influence its implementation. In this case, the referent of the agent of the situation P has non-agent coding in the situation P’, Q or R. One coding strategy is a possessive group «u + Gen.»: (1) P’— event (situation with weakened agency): U menya repeticiya (‘I have a rehearsal’; P = Ya repetiruyu ‘I rehearse’); (2) Q — non-inactive conceptualization of the situation P: U menya sup varitsya / svarilsya (‘I have soup cooked’; P = Ya varyu sup ‘I cook soup’); U menya motor ne zavoditsya(‘My motor will not start’; P = Ya ne mogu zavesti motor ‘I cannot start the motor’); (3) R is the result of an agentive situation P: U menya uroki sdelany (‘I have done my lessons’; P = Ya sdelal uroki ‘I did my homework’).